
Anna’s healthy Tips!

Get your kids to eat more vegetables and fruits
By: Anna Green

1. First… get rid of all those processed treats that your kids love to eat.
Next.. go to the store and replace those treats with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Last… with no other choices, you will be surprised at how quickly your kids will learn to enjoy the new treats!

2. Blend or puree’ vegetables and hide them in sauces, soups etc.

3. Pack the kids lunch and make sure to include the fruits and veggies. Kids get pretty hungry at lunch!

4. Canned soup: add pureed sweet potato, carrots, butternut squash and even some corn.

5. Mashed potatoes: Use sweet potatoes instead and include the skins.

6. Chili: Add tomatoes, carrots, celery, peas, and even some corn.

7. Eggs: Add salsa, broccoli, tomato, red, yellow, green bell peppers, mushrooms and herbs.

8. Lasagna or Casseroles: Add spinach, zucchini, chopped fresh tomatoes, fresh parsley, and basil.

Food Rules for Kids.
By: Anna Green

1. Always offer a variety of foods, making sure they are nutrient dense foods.

2. Offer foods first, drinks/beverages last.

3. If your child is thirsty in between meals and snacks, offer water.

4. Don’t praise, reward or punish for food eaten or not eaten.

5. Don’t reward with food, reward with play time or other activity.

6. Let your child decide which (good) foods to eat and how much to eat.

7. Always offer a rainbow of colors for each meal.

8. When drinking juice, ensure it is 100% juice.

9 Whole foods are always better than juices.

Tips To Make Your Adult Healthy Eating Habits Easier!
By: Anna Green

Benefits: You must remind yourself that eating healthy will benefit your body and make you stronger and live longer.

Preparation: Make “time”….Prepare your foods ahead of time. Make extra and freeze it. If you have access to a refrigerator and microwave at work, bring your breakfast, snack and lunch for the rest of the week.

Importance of Energy: If you eat healthy and stay active, you will find yourself not dragging. You will have more energy to spend time with your family.

Damage: Keep in mind that the more you eat “junk” the more you’re hurting and damaging yourself which in returns becomes a problem.

Faith: You must believe in yourself that you “CAN” do this. Once you accomplish that, then there is no reason for you to fail.

Discipline: Stick to your regular healthy eating habits. Try not to think of “junk” or too many sweets, if you do, you will attract yourself to those foods.

Don’t skip Meals: Never “skip” breakfast! Or any meals…

Avoid Buffets: Buffets are seductive, you tend to indulge more.

Cycle your carbs: You do “not” need to consume as many carbs on the days you will not workout. Cycle your carb intake accordingly.

Eat Slowly: Take your time eating. Chew your food slowly, enjoy. It takes 15-20 minutes for your stomach to register that it is full. Making it easier for you to eat the rest of your meals.

Deprive: Never deprive yourself from foods that you enjoy. As long as you keep in mind that the “key” is moderation and not going overboard on your calorie deficit. And if you do go overboard, walk to burn those excess calories consumed.

Knowledge: Be knowledgeable; remember to focus more on the word “whole foods” or “whole grain” versus “refined” and “processed”. Remember the good times when your mother use to tell you that fruits and vegetables are good for you? Chances are, she is right….

Stay Active: Play more active games with your children, walk more, swim more or play the sport that you really enjoy. Take your family for a walk or your dog. Take stairs instead of a lift. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Fancy Latte’s: Fancy latte’s can easily pack 500 calories or more, so trim your coffee choices. Have water or tea instead.

Tea: Drink tea at least 2 cups a day. Studies show that women who drink tea 2 cups a day have less body fat than those who do not. Tea also helps reduce your risk of cancer and heart attack.

Slowly incorporate this list from your lifestyle. It does not have to be a drastic change. The one or two steps that you can do now; can lead you to three, four or even more steps in the future. Little change that you can do to your life will mean a whole “LOT” later on…